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T-F2: Wildlife Management and Policy 'A'

Conflicts in wild boar management in the UK
Topic Area:
Management of Human-Wildlife Conflicts: “Other” Species in Europe
Ben Klinkenberg (Oxford Brookes University)

Knowledge in adaptive co-management of White-tailed eagle conflict
Topic Areas:
Management of Human-Wildlife Conflicts: “Other” Species in Europe
Natural Resource and Conservation Stakeholders: Managing Expectations and Engageme
Petra Lackova (University of Aberdeen)
Steve Redpath (University of Aberdeen)
Antonia Eastwood (The James Hutton Institute)
Justin Irvine (The James Hutton Institute)
Juliette Young (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology)
Rene Van Der Wal (University of Aberdeen)
Ross Lilley (Scottish Natural Heritage)
Nils Bunnefeld (University of Stirling)

Accounting for heterogeneous angler behaviours in integrated fish-angler simulation models designed to analyse the social-ecological outcomes of management interventions
Topic Area:
Social-ecological systems as a framework for conservation management
Robert Arlinghaus (Humboldt Universität Berlin)
Shuichi Matsumura (Gifu University)
Fiona Johnston (Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries)
Ben Beardmore (Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources)

Wild minds seeking cohabitation
Topic Areys:
Social-ecological systems as a framework for conservation management
Management of Human-Wildlife Conflicts: Large Carnivores in Europe
Management of Human-Wildlife Conflicts: “Other” Species in Europe
Susan Boonman-Berson (Wageningen University & Research)

Managing human-deer conflicts: Ethical dilemmas of non-lethal control
Topic Areas:
Management of Human-Wildlife Conflicts: “Other” Species in Europe
Natural Resource and Conservation Stakeholders: Managing Expectations and Engageme
Christian Gamborg (University of Copenhagen)
Peter Sandøe (University of Copenhagen)
Clare Palmer (Texas A&M University)

Wildlife management based on science, monitoring and participation
Topic Areas:
Management of Human-Wildlife Conflicts: Large Carnivores in Europe
Management of Human-Wildlife Conflicts: “Other” Species in Europe
Janosch Arnold (Wildlife Research Unit of Baden-Württemberg, LAZBW, Atzenberger Weg 99, 88326 Aulendorf)
Johanna Maria Arnold (Wildlife Research Unit of Baden-Württemberg, LAZBW, Atzenberger Weg 99, 88326 Aulendorf)
Sabrina Streif (Forest Research Institute of Baden-Württemberg, department of wildlife ecology, Wonnhaldestr.4, 79100 Freiburg)
Rudi Suchant (Forest Research Institute of Baden-Württemberg, department of wildlife ecology, Wonnhaldestr.4, 79100 Freiburg)

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